Rouse Hill Family Medical Practice

Dr Mark Charteris


Dr Charteris has practiced medicine since 1986 and at this address since 1988 (also his home). He is vocationally registered and is also a senior associate clinical lecturer in general practice at Sydney University. He takes a limited number of appointments, but also sees patients on a drop in basis.

Dr Charteris is generally available for house calls from 12noon to 3pm Mondays to Fridays. The surgery is closed on public holidays.

Urgent consultations with Dr Charteris are available after hours by calling 9679 1098 ( these visits are to be paid for by cash or cheque at the time of consultation.) If he is out, the answering service will advise you to call his mobile telephone : 0432 256 613.

If the phone is out of radio range ( as is common in the valleys around here ), please try again later. If it cannot wait, please call an ambulance on 000 or go to the nearest public hospital. Please do not leave messages on the machine or the phone service.


Availability Times

Mon:  unspecified
Tue:  unspecified
Wed:  unspecified
Thu:  unspecified
Fri:  unspecified
Sat:  unspecified
No information supplied