Policies and Appointments


Home Visits Our home visit area is Newcastle, Cooks Hill, Bar Beach, Merewether and The Junction. Our doctors will make home visits in this area provided there is a medical need and will also visit residents of nursing homes and hostels in the same area.

Repeat Prescriptions In the interests of our patients\' health, our doctors will not normally issue repeat prescriptions or referrals without a consultation. Where a doctor believes it appropriate to make an exception a small administrative charge will be made.

Drugs of Addiction This Practice follows strictly, the NSW Department of Health guidelines concerning the prescribing of sedatives, strong analgesics and narcotics.

This means that such drugs will only be prescribed for patients known to the Practice doctors.

Visiting patients requiring sedatives, strong analgesics or narcotics should make arrangements with their own doctor.

After Hours Care For medical emergencies outside normal surgery hours patients should be taken to the nearest hospital or ring the emergency number, \'000\'.

For less urgent problems outside normal surgery hours medical assistance can be obtained by ringing the After Hours Medical Service on 4943 6666.

Medical Students Occasionally, medical students from the University of Newcastle sit in with our doctors as part of their medical training. If you feel uncomfortable about having a medical student in the room simply tell the receptionist.

Car Parking Car parking is available at reasonable rates at the David Jones car park and King Street Council Car Park (however, if your appointment is in the late afternoon, watch out for car park closing times). Metered car parking is available in the surrounding streets, particularly in the early morning and late afternoon.

Suggestions & Complaints Although we try our best it is inevitable that from time to time one of our patients will have a complaint about our service. These complaints are very important to us as they alert us to problems with the service we are providing.

If you have any suggestions, ideas or criticisms please notify us by clicking here or tell the receptionist or your doctor or write them down and place them in the suggestion box in the waiting room.

If you prefer you may contact the:

Health Care Complaints Commission

Locked Bag 18


Telephone: (02) 9219 7444

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Our practice uses an appointments system to help reduce waiting times. We schedule appointments at about 15 minute intervals but, in the interest of good patient care, sometimes have to extend this time. In such cases subsequent appointments on that day are often delayed and we hope that you will understand that this is sometimes unavoidable.

If you have a number of issues to discuss with your doctor or feel that you need a longer appointment, please help us by advising the receptionist when making your appointment and additional time will be allowed. For guidance, we find that insurance, diving and pre-employment medicals, first ante-natal visits and removal of skin cancers are frequent causes of delays.

In an emergency patients will be seen without an appointment, although not always by their usual doctor.