Patients are automatically enrolled in the practice's comprehensive reminder system for follow-up of specific conditions e.g. annual diabetes review, pap smear etc.
Please speak to the Doctor if you do not wish to be included in this reminder system.
Patients will receive a recall, if deemed necessary by the Doctor for follow-up.
The Jamestown Medical Centre participates in the National, State and Territory recall and reminder system.
Home Visits
Home visits are provided for emergencies or for patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery, and are at the discretion of the on-call Doctor.
Interns and Medical Students
The Doctors of the Jamestown Medical Centre provide teaching for Medical Students and Interns. If you would prefer not to see them please notify reception.
Your Rights
Jamestown Medical Centre aims to provide the highest quality health care to the community.
Patients of the practice are able to obtain information or advice related to thier clinical care by telephone in a situation where the Doctor determines that this is clinically safe and that a face-to-face consultation is unnecessary.
If you are unhappy with any of the care you receive, we are keen to know abou it. Please fee free to get in touch with the Practice Manager, Helen Moss, in person, by phone or letter, or with either of the Doctors. We feel problems are better dealt with in the practice, but if there is a problem you wish to take up with an outside body, you may prefer to contact the South Australian Medical Board, PO Box 359, Stepney SA Ph. (08) 8362 7811.