
Services Provided

Women's Health

Men's health (45-49 health check)



Mental Health

Diabetes Checks

Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Checks

Bowel Cancer Checks

Minor Surgery/Skin Checks

Pre- Employment & Insurance Medicals

Drivers & Heavy Vehicle License Medicals

Removal of Moles, Cysts, Small Tumours

Removal of Skin Tags and Foreign Bodies


Removal of Implanon

Drainage and resection of toe nails

Steroid injection into joints 

Interpreter Services

Ingle Farm Medical Centre is committed to providing excellent healthcare to all patients including those people that have hearing difficulties and those that speak languages other than English.

To assist our doctors and our patients, Ingle Farm Medical Centre uses a range of interpreter services.

For patients with hearing difficulties the doctors at Ingle Farm Medical Centre are registered with the National Auslan Interpreter Services (NABS)

For patients that require language translation, Ingle Farm Medical Centre has access to Translating and Interpreting Services (TIS) 


Pleae let the receptionist know at the time of booking if you or the patient you are booking for will require either of these services so that the proper arrangements can be made.