Welcome to
Huntingdale Medical Centre

Huntingdale Medical Centre is a long established medical centre situated on the main public highway in Oakleigh.
It is a purpose-built building, that houses the medical practice, a dental suite, optometrist, and on-site pathology collection.
The practice is open every day, except Sundays.After Hours medical services are conducted by the Australian Locum Medical Services (ALMS). These qualified doctors are able to liaise with your doctor from the practice.
The Medical Practice maintains all clinical records on computer, and adheres to the strictest ethics of confidentiality.
The Medical Staff at this practice have satisfied the training requirements of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (R.A.C.G.P.)This practice has a commitment to General and Family Practice, and to providing personalized care of the highest quality and standards, and in addition, to continuing medical education.
Dr. Peter Stiebel: Obtained his medical degree from Monash University, trained at both The Alfred and Prince Henry\'s Hopitals, and has over twenty four years experience in the practice of medicine, with more than twenty two years in General Practice. He has a special interest in Paediatrics, the health and treatment of infants and children.
Dr. Stiebel speaks German but this is of a non-technical nature, limited to conversational only.
Reception Staff: Maria & Lisa are both full-time medical receptionists with many years experience between them. Des is a trained pathology collector, and works here on a sessional basis.
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 8.30 am-5.30+pm or later Saturday 8.30 am-12.00 midday
Fees: Non-pensioners are currently charged a fee. Pensioners & concession card holders are currently bulk billed. Please bring your Medicare & Health Care card with you to all visits.Work related injuries are charged to the employer/insurer.
Appointments: The Practice runs on an appointment system, but a few times are usually left open for urgent problems.For urgent attention, where possible, please telephone the surgery first. Appointments are usually made at 10 minute intervals, but understandably, if there have been emergencies, or if the surgery is very busy, your allocated appointment time may of necessity be varied slightly. If you feel you will require a longer consultation, or more than one member of your family require attention, please discuss this with the receptionist prior to making an appointment.
After Hours Services: The after hours number has a telephone answering machine with a message informing you how to get in-touch with the duty doctor. This is run by a professional locum deputising service. Telephone 13 2660. Please note that if you have a serious problem, or have special treatment requirements, the duty doctor can contact your doctor from this practice.
Home Visits: If you are too ill to come to the surgery, home visits can be arranged, if you live in the local area. Requests for home visits are best made before 10am., for a visit to be performed after 12 midday.Please be aware that house calls are time consuming and that the doctors can usually see two or three patients in the surgery in the time taken to visit one at home.
Other Services: The practice is able to cope with industrial injuries resulting from work-place accidents.In addition, minor surgery and cryotherapy (freezing) for small skin lesions can be performed here.Acupuncture is performed for a (limited) range of complaints.Audiometry (hearing tests), Spirometry (lung function) and ECG are also performed.
Pathology: On-site collection of blood is performed here on Tuesday mornings. Most tests will be \"bulk-billed\" where applicable.
Repeat Prescriptions: Are not usually obtained without seeing the doctor, except in special cases, and these would need to be discussed with the doctor prior. Please give at least 24 hours\' notice to deal with your request.
Facilities for People with a Disability: A wheelchair ramp is available for the mainentrance. Please inform the receptionist of your need.
Patient Parking: Parking is available at the side and rear of the building.
Dentistry: There is a dental practice on the premises, and the Dentist is available on Monday and Wednesday afternoons and Friday and Saturday mornings. Please note that this is a separate practice, and the Dentist operates his own appointments and fee schedule. Details are available from reception.
Optometry: A fully qualified optometrist, operates an optometry practice here, and provides a full range of services. These are \"bulk-billed\". Please enquire at reception.
Pharmacy: There are many pharmacies within walking distance of this practice .
Hospitals /Specialists: The practice has a close affiliation with Monash Medical Centre at the Clayton Campus, and in addition, has close ties with various specialists in a number of medical fields. Please be aware that it is extremely difficult to find a specialist in private practice that \"bulk bills\" non health-care card holders, and indeed some card holders.
Nursing Homes: There are a number of nursing homes in the vicinity, and the doctors of the practice will continue to attend to any patient of the practice who is admitted.
Patient Feedback: From time to time, this practice conducts a confidential questionnaire on patient\'s views of the practice and how it could be improved.If you are unhappy with any aspect of the care you received from this practice, we are keen to know about it. Please feel free to talk to your doctor or the receptionist about any problems you have with the service we provideWe believe that problems are best dealt within the practice. In fact, we would like to know if you are concerned about any aspect of our service.