Adelaide Private Menopause Clinic

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Adelaide Private Menopause Clinic


North Adelaide Medical Centre 22/ 183 Tynte Street
Adelaide SA, 5006

Contact Phone 1:  61 8 8239 1988 Phone 2:  0407 729 407 Fax:  61 8 8239 1085 Email: click here
Opening Hours
No information supplied
After Hours & Emergency


The Clinic is dedicated to the health needs of the woman approaching and past the age of menopause.

While the emphasis is on gynaecological care, both hormonal and surgical, the umbrella of the service includes the assistance of other health professionals such as dietary advice, psychological counselling, management of cholesterol disorders and the treatment of osteoporosis.

Dr. Robert A. Jones manages the clinic. He is a gynaecologist with some 40 years in practice of which 20 years have been spent in concentrating on the problems of the older woman.
The practice has been innovative and has not been afraid to introduce new ideas and techniques.

We have a large practice of women receiving testosterone for a number of different indications. This is given as a hormone implant; oestrogen may be included with the testosterone as an implant into a single puncture.

The surgery in this practice is mainly laparoscopic. This ensures a rapid recovery and in my hands reduces complication rates below that of conventional traditional surgery.

Much of what has been learnt over the years has been from the direct experience of what our patients have been able to teach us. I have a debt of gratitude to these intelligent women.