Suite 5/48 Corinna St
ACT 2606
Welcome to
7 Days * Plaza Medical Centre * 7 Days
Our practice originally commenced in Woden in 1979. The practice is associated with Sydney and NSW Universities. All our doctors are Fellows of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) and maintain their skills by regular participation in the Continuing Medical Education scheme administered by the RACGP.
The practice is also associated with the RACGP Family Medicine Program.
The practice is a Fully Accredited Practice and (voluntarily) undergoes full accreditation every 3 years to ensure that our high standards are maintained.
We aim to provide a high quality, comprehensive, caring and patient centred practice, offering continuity of ongoing confidenial care. The practice provides a wide range of medical services, including:
*Family medicine *Travel medicine *Antenatal and obstetric care *Counselling *Childrens immunisations *Stress management *Family planning services *Skin cancer checks *Womens health *Occupational medicine *Aged care *Work injuries *Minor surgical procedures *Preventive medicine
We are committed to preventive medicine, with our patients as \'active partners\' in prevention. Modern medicine strives to prevent disease before it can do harm. For example, immunisations help to prevent serious life threatening infections and heart attack risk can be lowered by stopping smoking, reducing cholesterol and appropriate weight reduction and exercise.
As everyone\'s health is different, patients are recommended to ask their doctor about a personalised periodic health check program.