Policies and Appointments


Referrals Doctors in this practice are competent at handling all the common health problems. When necessary, they are able to draw an opinion from specialists and if need be, refer you for further investigation. You can discuss this openly with your doctor.

After hours After hours calls should be directed to the locum services by phoning 9328 7111.

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Surgery hours: Monday to Friday, 8am-2pm

Consultation is by appointment. Urgent cases will be seen on the day.

If you want an insurance medical, review of a complex health problem, counselling for emotional difficulties, or a second opinion, please book a longer appointment. This might involve a longer wait but your problem will get the attention it deserves. Please bring relevant letters and test results from other doctors where possible.

Please notify us if you are unable to attend an appointment, well in advance.

Telephoning your doctor - although most problems are best dealt with in consultation, a doctor will always be available during normal surgery hours for emergency advice.