St Clair Health Care Medical Centre

Policies and Appointments

St Clair Health Care Medical Centre

This practice does not operate on an appointment system, except for Case Conferences which need to be arranged in advance. Patients are seen in order of arrival with urgent cases given priority. The system works well in this practice. Moreover, we do not turn away patients at closing time, rather, we see them if safe to do so in order to ensure adequate access to medical care.

All calls are put through to the doctor, unless he is doing a procedure, in which case a message is taken.

Our patient health records contain evidence that all pathology results, imaging reports, investigation reports and clinical correspondence received by or performed in our practice have been:
• reviewed by a GP
• signed or initialled or electronic equivalent
• where appropriate, acted upon in a timely manner.

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This practice does not operate on an appointment system, except for Case Conferences which need to be arranged in advance. Patients are seen in order of arrival with urgent cases given priority. The system works well in this practice. Moreover, we do not turn away patients at closing time, rather, we see them if safe to do so in order to ensure adequate access to medical care