Policies and Appointments


Welcome to the St Albans Medical Service. The St Albans Medical Service was established in 1979 at 264 Main Road East, St Albans by Dr Peter Kuc(now retired) . He worked as a solo General Practitioner for 2 years, but the practice grew very rapidly and he employed full time locums. After several years a new surgery was built on the site in 1990. The practice has been fortunate to have two female and one male general practitioners join the practice to provide comprehensive medical care to all age groups. We have also been fortunate to have receptionists who speak several different languages to help communicate with the many ethnic groups.

Our aim is to continue to provide a comprehensive high quality general practice. All of the doctors in this practice are on the Vocational Register of General Practitioners or in the process of obtaining this qualification. This means they have a strong commitment to General Practice and are involved in ongoing medical education.

Privacy Information

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorized member of staff.  We abide by the ten National Privacy Principles available at http://privacy.gov.au/health/index.html

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Please ring 03 9367 1122 for an appointment.  Every effort will be made to accomodate your preferred time and GP.  Emergencies will always be given priority.  Longer appointments are available on request. If you or your family require an interpreter service, please let us know when you make the appointment.


Home Visits -

Please ring the surgery, or the Locum Service after hours on 03 9429 5677.