After Hours

After hours care is provided by the doctors themselves to the regular patients.The After Hours GP Service at Hawkesbury Windsor Hospital  provides services till10pm each day and on Sundays and Public Holidays.This service is bulk billed.

The Norwest Private Hospital and Windsor Hospital  is to be contacted for emergencies.

We have a formal agreement with the NATIONAL HOME DOCTOR SERVICE-the after hours Home visiting service to  conduct home visits after 8PM till 8AM weekdays and on Public holidays.Details of this service is available by calling 13 74 25 (13SICK)

This service is NOT MEANT TO REPLACE YOUR REGULAR GP consultation at the practice and is ONLY to be used as an after hours service when the practice doctors are unavailable.

Details of the after hours visit is then faxed to the practice doctors to facilitate continuity of care and is integrated into the patient's medical record.


Please contact 000 in case of an emergency or your nearest hospital.