Practice Staff
See below for our doctors, healthcare team and practice staff. Click on the individual staff member to see their availability, special interests and more.
Dr Ross Jose
MBBS(WA),DRCOG(UK),Cert. Manual Med. RACGPThe founder of this practice. His areas of special interest include Obstetrics and Family Medicine. Read more
Dr Edward Bouverie
MBBS,DRCOG,FRACGPA fellow of the RACGP and trainer with RACGP. His specialised areas include Obstetrics, Mental Health, Aboriginal Health and Family Medicine. Read more
Dr Don Kennerson
B.Pharm, MPS, MB, BS(WA), DCH, DRACOG, FRACGPA fellow of the RACGP. His areas of special interest include: Family Medicine, Pallative Care, Womens Health and Obstetrics. Read more
Dr John Cameron
MBChB, FRACGP, Dip.Obs.Cert Sports Med, RACGPA fellow of the RACGP. His areas of special interest include Family Medicine, Aged Care, Palliative Care, Sports Medicine and Children's Health. Read more
Dr Alex Woo
MBBS, FRACGP(WA), DRCOG(UK)A fellow of the RACGP. His areas of special interest include Family Medicine, Anaesthetics, Obstetrics including epidurals for labour and Dental Sedation. Read more
Dr Peter Lacey
MBBS, LMRCC, MRCGP(UK), FRACGPA fellow of the RACGP. His areas of special interest include Family Medicine and Occupational Health (Delta Occupational Health). Read more
Dr Lou Lagrange
MBBSJoined the practice in April 2001. His areas of interest are: Family Medicine, Children's Health, Womens Health, Dermatology and Muscular Skeletal Medicine and Vasectomies. Read more
Dr Nichola Wood
MBBS, DRCOG, MRCGPA fellow of the RACGP. Her area of special interest includes: Women's Health, Family Medicine and Children's Health. Read more
Dr Tim Haggett
MBBS, MRCCPHis areas of special interest include: Rural Medicine, Minor Surgery and Family Medicine. Read more
Dr Fraser Barrie
MBBS(WA)Family Medicine and Occupational Health (Delta Occupational Health). Read more
Dr Jeremy Wibbeke-Khoo
MBBS(WA)Family Medicine, Women's Health and Children's Health. Read more