Practice Staff

See below for our doctors, healthcare team and practice staff. Click on the individual staff member to see their availability, special interests and more.


Dr Robert R

M.B., B.S., L.M.C.C., F.R.A.C.G.P.

Dr. Molnar is a very experienced general practitioner, establishing this practice in 1963. He performs a wide variety of services including acupuncture, hypnosis, counselling, minor surgery, etc. Read more

Practice Staff

Clare Molnar

B.A., Dip. P.M., F.A.A.P.M.

Mrs. Molnar has been the Practice Manager since 1985. Read more

Alan Kosenko


Mr. Kosenko has been employed at this practice since 1995. Currently the secretary/bookkeeper, he is studying towards his Diploma in Practice Management. Read more

Kay Beveridge


Sister Beveridge has been the practice nurse since 1999. She is very experienced in all aspects of medicine and patient care. Read more

Shanac Grace

Ms. Grace has been the receptionist/nursing assistant since 1995. She is very competent in patient care and maintaining order within our practice. Read more