Policies and Appointments


Autoimmune diseases

Diseases catered for include SLE, Sjogrens, MCTD, Scleroderma, polymyositis, alopecia, areata, pernicious anaemia, multiple sclerosis vasculitic syndromes, Rheumatoid arthritis, Chronic active hepatitis ulcerative colitis and Crohns disease, Myasthenia gravis, etc

Allergic diseases

Diseases treated include allergic rhinitis, allergic asthmas, food allergies urticarias, hives, angiodema, drug and other allergic reactions in general, atopic eczema, chemical induced eczema

Immunodeficiency disorders

Diseases treated include AIDS, T cell defects, hypogammaglobulinaemias, B cell defects, neutrophil cell defects, etc


Diseases treated include lymphomas, chronic lymphatic leukemia multiple myeloma

Opportunistic and unusual infections

Diseases treated include fungal skin infections, unusual chronic lung infections, pyrexia of unknown origin

Multisystem disorders

Investigation of disorders, including Chronic Fatigue Syndromes, searching for subtle underlying causes. Many of these turn out to have immunological bases.

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Available by appointment only
Thursday mornings from 8 AM to 1PM
GP referral must be brought to consultation