

Child Health - including routine immunisations, development checks and behavioural and learning difficulties.

Preventative Medicine - cholesterol check, nutrition and dietary advice, fitness assessment, health screening examinations, quit smoking program.

Educational Material - DVDs are available on many health related subjects.

Diagnostic Services - blood tests, on site pathology collection, cardiograms, breathing tests, urine and pregnancy tests, hearing tests.

Dressing Clinic - management of all chronic skin ulcers and wounds.

Reminder System - enrolment is available to assist with your health maintenance.

Obstetrics - antenatal and post-natal care in collaboration with Westmead Hospital.

Gynaecology - pap smears, breast checks, family planning, management of menopause.

Counselling - for personal problems, sexual and relationship difficulties, drug and alcohol couselling.

Travel Medicine - advice on supply and prescription of immunisation for overseas travellers.

Sports Injuries - early assessment and treatment.

Translating and Interpreting - the surgery has access to the following services.  The Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) Ph:  1300 131 450.  This service is available at any time from anywhere in Australia, it can be of great help to you when you may find it difficult to communicate in English and the service provides translation for over 100 different languages and dialects.

We also have access to NABS for the deaf - National Interpreter Service Ph: 1800 246 945