Practice Staff

See below for our doctors, healthcare team and practice staff. Click on the individual staff member to see their availability, special interests and more.


Dr Gunu Naker

MBBS (Bombay) MPM (NSW)

The doctor is experienced in a broad range of general practice - the treatment of children, elderly patients etc. He has satisfied the training requirements of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and is on the...  Read more

Practice Staff

Sue Fernley


Sue works on Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday Read more

Fay Paterson


Fay works on Monday morning and Thursday Read more

Terry Mitchell


Terry works on Fridays Read more

Zankhna Shah


Zankhna works on Saturday Read more

Jonaki Rughani


Janaki has been working with us for about 1 year as a receptionist on Saturdays. She helps out when other staff is away Read more

Kanan Shah


Kanan joined us recently when her sister Zankhna went for trip to India. Read more