110-112 Glenayr Ave
NSW 2026
Welcome to
Bondi Health Centre

Bondihealth.com is committed to providing comprehensive care to all clients.
We believe your health is best managed by continuous care from the same source. Rather than taking different problems to different places, Bondihealth.com will be your referral hub, routing you to specialist opinions, investigations and treatment when necessary.
Bondihealth.com is an all-inclusive practice with access to both a GP, as well as an in-house counsellor. In addition to appointments, we will soon be able to offer many new convenient services, including group therapy sessions, travel vaccinations, and email notification of services, recommended readings and recommended health web sites. Please keep checking our web site for new editions and updates!
We welcome feedback from our clients. Your views will be treated with respect and in confidence. If you have any queries about our service, suggestions for improvement, or ideas for other allied health professionals to provide a service in our facility, please inform a bondihealth.com doctor or staff member, or leave a note in the suggestion box at the reception desk.
Bondihealth.com supports the AMA code of ethics. A copy of the code is available on request. If you continue to have concerns regarding your care, please write to the Health Insurance Commission, which will arrange conciliation.
Counselling at Bondihealth.com: The counselling approach at Bondihealth.com is based on the belief that to maintain a holistic, healthy approach, one needs to make regular appointments to with his/her doctor, dentist and oneself. We provide a safe, neutral refuge to discover the hidden and infinite resources for self-fulfilment that you were born with.
The basic approach is to provide each individual with a forum where they can explore their untapped potential and resolve issues that will allow them to grow spiritually, psychologically and emotionally.
There is an old familiar cliche \"a healthy mind is a healthy body\", a notion to which our modern way of living stands in direct opposition. We are too busy trying to juggle too many responsibilities and demands in order to remain part of the \"functioning masses\", and in turn, we remain exposed to the unresolved bourdons of our past experiences.
At the counselling practice, we give you time to take a long look inward at the way you feel about yourself. You are the source of your self-esteem; only you have the power to feel good about who you are. Your image comes from within. Your past experiences formulate your future realities. To know your own courage is to understand your fear. Alone you are free to be your true self. When you are hurt by others, you lose your power. Take back your power through discipline and self-control.
It is through the help of counselling that each individual can reach their own notion of ultimate happiness and inner peace. These are just a few thoughts that guide the counselling philosophy and psychotherapy at Bondihealth.com. For further information, please contact Odelia Carmon at Bondihealth.com.