Dr Jackie Tan

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Dr Jackie Tan was born in Queensland and graduated from OLD University in 1996. She undertook general practice training in QLD and NSW and obtained her FRACGP(Fellow of Royal Australian College Of General Practitioners)in 2002.

Her interests include women's health, paediatrics, mental health and geriatrics. She has expertise in the insertion of implanon for contraception. She also has a keen interest in research and is involved particularly in Alzheimers research.

Dr Jackie Tan has been with the practice since 2010.

In her spare time Dr Tan enjoys travelling with her family,photography and dancing.

Availability Times

Mon:  unspecified
Tue:  9:30am   -  4:00pm
Wed:  unspecified
Thu:  9:00am   -  3:30pm
Fri:  unspecified
Sat:  unspecified
Sun:  unspecified