Mr Kish Nadesan

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Bachelor of Applied Sciences - Physiotherapy

"Kish Nadesan is the Director of Sydney Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic, who founded the company in 2005 after graduating from the University of Sydney. Kish has always had a deep passion for physiotherapy and sports injuries previously working at Westmead and Goulburn Base hospitals.

Kish was also given the opportunity to be the Head clinical physiotherapist at St John of God Hospital a position that allowed him to research the best treatment options following orthopedic surgery, an area in which Kish has particular interest. 

Being a sportsman himself, Kish has given expert advise and treatment to many professional sportsman over the years. One of which is current Australian Cricket Captain Michael Clarke, whom he also played with.

Kish is also a current member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association and has been since 2005. As well as treating patients first hand, Kish is continually involved in ongoing research and clinical development in order for him and his team of staff to provide the best quality physiotherapy service for the community."

Special Interests

Sports Injuries

Post Orthopaedic Surgery Treatment


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